We are UAL – UAL Careers

We are UAL

Models by Jaz Martell | Photographer: Alys Tomlinson

A world-class university, shaping the creative industries worldwide

Who we are

University of the Arts London (UAL) generates and inspires the creativity the world needs for a better future. Since 1842 our colleges have been defining creative education. With curiosity, imagination and intent we make work which creates lasting change for people and our planet. 

London is core to who we are, a place where we meet and share ideas with people from different backgrounds and cultures. Our creative network influences learning, culture, industry and society on a global scale.  Our academics and practitioners deliver creative education and inspire new ways of thinking through research and innovation. We work with students at every level from pre-degree and short courses to postgraduate and online learning, enabling them to build the careers they want.  

As a University we are ranked second in the world for Art and Design. We are formed of 6 Colleges with unique histories and identities; Camberwell College of Arts, Central Saint Martins, Chelsea College of Arts, London College of Communication, London College of Fashion and Wimbledon College of Arts. UAL also has 4 Institutes, 5 Research Centres, 1 Pre-Degree School and 2 subsidiary companies delivering specialist activities.

Together, we are a community of makers, thinkers, pioneers and storytellers redesigning the future.  Because the world needs creativity.

Our roots

The origins of UAL lie in the 19th century with the foundation of the schools that became our 6 constituent Colleges: Camberwell College of Arts, Central Saint Martins, Chelsea College of Arts, London College of Communication, London College of Fashion and Wimbledon College of Arts.

These schools educated young people to prepare them for a world transformed by technological change. Students learned new skills for growing industries, like architecture, communication, fashion, design and performance. And their work brought beauty into people’s everyday lives.

In 1986, the 6 Colleges joined together as one. In 2003, they became a university: University of the Arts London (UAL). Though much has changed since the 19th century, our social purpose, “to change society through our knowledge and creativity”, remains unchanged. We remain rooted in London’s heritage of vocational education. And we are developing into a global force for change, advancing the case for creativity at the regional, national and international level.

Our status

As a Higher Education Corporation, the university is an exempt charity for the purposes of the Charities Act (1993). As a result, the university isn’t required to register with the Charity Commission and so has no registered charity number.

With the implementation of the Higher Education and Research Act (2017), the OfS became the principal regulator under charity law for the university. The OfS is responsible to the Charity Commission for the regulatory duties it takes on in relation to the Charities Act (1993). The university isn’t a charitable company.

Colleges and Institutes

College entrance | Photographer: Alys Tomlinson
CSM King's Cross Building | Photographer: John Sturrock
Students working in the college garden | Photographer: Alys Tomlinson
Building frontage, Imprint Exhibition | Photographer: Lewis Bush
Close up of a costume with feathers and fur by Stephanie Shaw, show at Oxo Tower | Photographer: David Poultney
Main Reception, Merton Hall Road building | Photographer: Ideal Insight
Launch of UAL Creative Computing Institute
Ana Escobar, Girl with headphones at a private view, London College of Communication, UAL
A co-created and crowd sourced fashion garment in blue by AWAYTOMARS, Photo by Gleeson Paulino
City photos on rolling paper, Hai Hui Xiong, MA Book Arts, Camberwell College of Arts
Exterior front of Lime Grove, UAL © Alys Tomlinson

Departments, Teams and People

Working Video Stills - Animation | Credit: Alexandra Kostyuk
VR session hosted for European partners as part of Accelerate, Chelsea College of Arts | Photographer: Alexandra Rodriguez Cifre
Working Video Stills - Animation | Credit: Alexandra Kostyuk
Students and staff working in Central St. Martins library | Ana Blumenkron
UAL People | © Angela Tozzi
Aramatou Toure, 2022 BA Textile Design, Central Saint Martins, UAL | Photograph: George Eyo

Find out more

Candy floss at Staff Summer Party, Chelsea College of Arts | Copyright: University of the Arts London
UAL Treasure Hunt | Photographer: Jieying Shao
Animation still | Credit: Alexandra Kostyuk